OP-ED: Children with disabilities can develop in amazing ways

ঢাকা ট্রিবিউন জুলিয়ান ফ্রান্সিস প্রকাশিত: ২৪ মার্চ ২০২১, ০৩:৩৪

All children deserve to be loved, equally

On March 21, a number of organizations in Bangladesh observed Down Syndrome Day, and on that day I remembered my own elder brother. My earliest childhood memory is of my elder brother sitting, it seemed to me, permanently, in a push-chair and sometimes in a wheelchair.

It was something that as a young child I accepted, not knowing it was unusual. My brother, who passed away in 1999 at the age of 55, had a severe learning disability, Down Syndrome, learned to walk when he was six years old, and was not able to speak.
সম্পূর্ণ আর্টিকেলটি পড়ুন

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