About Priyo

Priyo is the largest news aggregator in Bengali language. It covers the stories from 50+ sources around the globe in almost real time including breaking news, politics, sports, technology, business, entertainment, opinions, videos etc. Our readers do not miss any story from 3000+ headlines we produce everyday.

You don't need to go through the tedious search-click-search-click process to find the stories in daily life. Priyo ensures you find a range of views and stories in one place. Our experts vet most of the articles to ensure they’re from a trustworthy and accurate source. We also use a recommendation system which suggests related stories for you. Our recommendations are available primarily in Bengali, though we look forward to sharing in more languages in the future.

Priyo and its network of websites now reach over 18 million unique readers. The Priyo community includes more than 3.7 million followers in Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn and other social media. Most of our readers are coming from Bangladesh, USA, India, China, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Malaysia, France and United Arab Emirates.


Priyo had set out on its journey in 2011 from Silicon Valley, California, USA by Zakaria Swapan - a renowned technologist, writer and author in Bengali language. In 2014, Priyo Inc. was registered as a company in the state of Delaware, having the headquarter in San Jose, California. Priyo also started its overseas office in Bangladesh to develop the software and other operational support. Now, it has become the de facto news aggregator in Bengali language in the world.

In the year of 2015 Priyo Ltd., the Bangladesh office of Priyo was registered as a member of BASIS.

Media House/Publisher

Priyo has established a team of experienced, talented and tech-savvy professional’s working hard to provide practical/meaningful information that you want right into your hands. Our journalists and contributors bring deep insights from the heart of the community. Our team is working dedicatedly to keep our readers updated with the most recent news.

We collect information from all over the web and post it in our system for visitors to access (both from the web and mobile apps). The topics are created around various keywords using RSS feeds, and our own proprietary technology. We provide a link to the original site to avoid plagiarism and copyright claims.

Priyo also inspires and encourages you to write and send us content that you would like to share with everyone. Moreover, if you are a good reliable news source, you may contact us to integrate your contents with our system. Please get your RSS feed ready, and give us that link - we will bring your content live into our system.

Please contact us for media inquiries at [email protected]


Priyo creates revenue in a variety of ways. In addition to advertising on the site, Priyo offers other ways to reach the clients target customers only. Priyo offers sponsored contents, sponsored videos, editorial choice articles, and campaigns on various festivals based on clients requirements. This is a huge opportunity for the advertisers as well.