Focus on women business owners to unlock growth

ডেইলি স্টার কার্টিস এস চিন প্রকাশিত: ২৫ মে ২০২১, ০০:০০

The latest Global Gender Gap report from the World Economic Forum makes clear that around the world, from Bangladesh to the United States, the impact of the pandemic has disproportionately hit those most vulnerable or in need. In Bangladesh, this has included large numbers of now unemployed women workers as lockdowns have hit garment factories.

Around the world, the economic impact of Covid-19 has created new barriers to building inclusive and prosperous societies. With women often at the forefront of the hardest-hit sectors—such as garments, food service and personal care—recovery strategies must include closing the ever-widening gender gap. This is critical to long-term economic growth in every country.

সম্পূর্ণ আর্টিকেলটি পড়ুন

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