Trump ‘offered Kim Jong Un a ride home on Air Force One’

বিএসএস নিউজ প্রকাশিত: ২২ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২১, ০৯:৪১

SEOUL, Feb 22, 2021 (BSS/AFP) – Donald Trump offered North Korean leader
Kim Jong Un a ride home on Air Force One after a summit in Hanoi two years
ago, according to a new BBC documentary.

Kim and Trump first engaged in a war of words and mutual threats, before
an extraordinary diplomatic bromance that featured headline-grabbing summits
and a declaration of love by the former US president.

But no substantive progress was made, with the process deadlocked after
the pair’s meeting in Hanoi broke up over sanctions relief and what Pyongyang
would be willing to give up in return.

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